About Using RevWorks

About Using RevWorks

About Using RevWorks


The first time you use RevWorks, you may have to enable the software in SOLIDWORKS. Once you enable RevWorks in SOLIDWORKS, RevWorks starts every time you start SOLIDWORKS and remains available for use. At any time, you can run SOLIDWORKS without RevWorks by disabling RevWorks.

RevWorks appears as a stand-alone toolbar on your desktop. The toolbar may be free floating or docked to the top or bottom of your desktop. The toolbar is supported by its own software server that runs independently from SOLIDWORKS or the RevWorks Add-In interface within SOLIDWORKS. This provides significant advantages. The most important advantage is that if SOLIDWORKS stops operating and you have to close SOLIDWORKS, RevWorks stays operating and reconnects to SOLIDWORKS when you re-launch. This feature keeps you from losing data, including your current Datum or Leap Set Station. You can usually simply restart data collection from where you stopped once SOLIDWORKS has been restarted.

The following are basic tasks that you need to know in order to use RevWorks:

  1. Starting RevWorks
  2. Enabling RevWorks
  3. Disabling RevWorks
  4. Using the RevWorks Toolbar

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