Using Probes - Deleting Probes
Deleting Probes
At any time, you can permanently remove Probes that become obsolete.
There are some special considerations for situations where Reference Probes are used. If you delete the Reference Probe, the next Probe in the set becomes the Reference Probe. If the newly designated Reference Probe is not qualified, Probe Manager automatically deletes any existing qualification information for the Reference Probe.
To Delete a Probe
Access Probe Manager
Locate the Probe Set containing the Probe you wish to delete.
Next to the for the Probe Set, select .
The tree expands to display the list of Probes in the Probe Set.
Within the list of Probes right click on the Probe you wish to delete.
The probe options pop-up menu appears.
Select Delete.
The selected Probe is deleted.
Note: You cannot delete the last probe in a Probe Set. |
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