Using Probe Sets - Deleting Probe Sets

Using Probe Sets - Deleting Probe Sets

Deleting Probe Sets


In order to conserve resources or limit confusion, you can permanently remove Probe Sets from Probe Manager.

Warning: When you delete a Probe Set all contained Probes are also deleted.

To Delete a Probe Set

  1. Access Probe Manager

  2. Select the Probe Set that you want to delete.

Information for the Probe Set appears on the right side of the display panel.

  1. Right click on the selected Probe Set.

The Probe Set options pop-up menu appears.

  1. Select Delete.

A confirmation dialog box appears, requesting you to verify that you want to delete the selected Probe Set.

  1. Select Yes to delete the Probe Set.

Probe Manager permanently deletes the Probe Set, along with all contained Probes and associated data.

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