Using Probe Documents - About Probe Documents

Using Probe Documents - About Probe Documents

About Probe Documents


Probe documents allow you to create multiple definitions for your interchangeable probes, manage them, and save them for later reuse. You can create and save multiple probe documents and choose which to use for your digitizing session. You can also duplicate and transfer probe documents to other digitizing workstations and archive them as part of your project documentation.

The data persistence afforded by probe documents makes it possible to more easily start, stop and restart digitizing sessions. .It is possible to completely shut down your system and later restart digitizing by simply reactivating the last probe used.

A default probe document, specific to your selected digitizer, is created when you first start RevWorks containing an appropriate set of default probes. You may choose to use any of those probes, modify them, delete, or add others to establish the specific probe characteristics you wish to use for your digitizing session. Alternatively you may choose to load an alternate probe document or create a new one.

To learn more about Probe Documents you should familiarize yourself with the following topics:

  1. About Probe Manager
  1. About Using Probe Manager With Your Digitizer
  1. About Probe Manager Icons
  1. Creating a New Probe Document
  1. Opening an Existing Probe Document
  1. Saving the Probe Document
  1. About Probes
  1. About Probe Qualification
  1. About Probe Sets

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