About Probe Compensation
In order to maintain true dimensional features, you can enable Probe Manager to automatically compensate for the radius of a ball probe. When using a probe with a ball tip, the coordinates returned by the digitizer are at the center of the ball. When you enable probe compensation, RevWorks automatically constructs features that are offset by the radius of the active probe. While digitizing, Probe Manager tracks how you collect data so that it can determine which direction to offset the feature. That way, features that you create have accurate dimensions.
Note: RevWorks tracks probe motion as you approach the part to take the first point for a feature. This establishes an approach vector that identifies the offset direction to be used, so you must always start data collection with the probe off the part surface in order to establish a valid approach direction. |
Warning: Probe compensation can create unexpected feature offsetting results if you start collecting data with the probe tip in contact with the part surface or fail to move the probe more than the Probe Approach Tolerance specified for the current digitizing device. |
You can choose to enable or disable probe compensation at any time.