About Probe Manager Icons

About Probe Manager Icons

About Probe Manager Icons


The Probe Manager utility provides several functions for creating and maintaining probes and probe sets. Probe Manager organizes probes and probe sets within a probe set list. We refer to the type of graphical list in which probes and probe sets display as a ‘tree’.

For easy identification, Probe Manager displays specific icons that identify the current status of probes in an expandable selection tree. At any time, you can place your pointer over an icon and click the left mouse button to display information regarding the probe, or click the right mouse button to display a menu of actions that you can perform on the probe or probe set.

When you select a probe from the tree, the probe does not become active. Instead, information about the probe displays in the right side of the panel. To learn how to activate probes, refer to Setting the Active Probe.

A list of Probe Manager icons and their descriptions follow. The images presented represent how the icons appear when selected and not.



Probe Manager

Icon resides on RevWorks toolbar. You select the icon to display or hide Probe Manager.

Probe Document

An icon of a page with a probe overlaid represents the probe document.


Probe Set

A folder icon represents a probe set. When you select the probe set, the folder opens and information for the probe set appears on the right side of the display panel.


An unadorned probe represents a standard probe that is not a reference probe and has not been qualified. Not all digitizing devices require probes to be qualified before use.

Reference Probe

A probe icon with a coordinate symbol represents a reference probe. Reference probes are used primarily with devices that have indexable probe heads, such as the kind typically used with bridge CMMs.

Qualified Probe

A probe icon with a blue triangle represents a qualified probe. Some devices require that you qualify your probes before first use.

Qualified Reference Probe

A probe icon with a coordinate symbol and a blue triangle represents a qualified reference probe.

Radio buttons associated with probes indicate the currently active probe. You can switch between probes by simply clicking on the radio button associated with the probe you wish to use.



Currently Active Probe

A radio button with black highlight indicates the currently active probe.

Available Probe

A radio button without a highlight indicates an inactive probe that is available for activation.

Unavailable Probe

A grayed radio button indicates a probe that is unavailable for selection because it is not within the active Probe Set.

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