Using Probes - About Probes

Using Probes - About Probes

About Probes


Probes are detailed descriptions of physical probe characteristics that influence the way RevWorks treats digitized data. With Probe Manager, you can easily add, modify and delete probes. When creating a probe you define its name, tip diameter and type. These are grouped into distinct sets inside Probe Manager.

Note: Probe manipulation within Probe Manager is only available for digitizing devices that support exchangeable probes.

Depending on the specifics of your particular digitizer, you may need to qualify probes before use in order for the digitizer and RevWorks to accurately gather data. When you qualify your probes, you create a database of probe characteristics and relationships. RevWorks uses this database to manipulate location data and maintain part data alignment. RevWorks uses qualification data to offset collected point data to accommodate differences in the position between probe tip and probe centers. Whether qualification is required or not, RevWorks uses information about the size of the probe tip ball to properly offset features from the ball center data collected.

In order to use probes, you should know how to perform the following procedures:

  1. Creating New Probes
  1. Copying Probes
  1. Viewing Probe Information
  1. Modifying Probes
  1. Deleting Probes
  1. Renaming Probes
  1. Setting the Active Probe
  1. About Probe Qualification

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