Creating Multi-Point Planes

Creating Multi-Point Planes

Creating Multi-Point Planes


A multi-point plane is an arbitrary plane created from three or more points. You do not have to pre-select another reference plane in order to create a multi-point plane. Using the multi-point plane tool you can create a plane at any orientation in space without creating a relationship to existing geometry.

To Create a Multi-Point Plane

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or from the RevWorks toolbar right click on any displayed Plane icon and choose Points,
    or select
    Plane > Points from the RevWorks menu in SOLIDWORKS.

A prompt appears leading you through the data collection steps.

  1. Digitize the origin.

  2. Digitize a positive x-axis.

  3. Digitize a point in the general direction of the positive y-axis.

  4. If you configured the plane to take more than three points, digitize additional points.

RevWorks automatically creates a plane when you reach the maximum number of points for this feature.

    Note: Digitizing additional points beyond the minimum three required points increases the accuracy of the plane.

  1. If you do not digitize the maximum number of points for the plane, select or another completion option to calculate the feature.

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