Configuring - Configuring RevWorks for 3DCreator Digitizers

Configuring - Configuring RevWorks for 3DCreator Digitizers

Configuring RevWorks for 3DCreator Digitizers


The 3DCreator may require some hardware configuration before first use in order to properly identify the probes and Dynamic Reference Frames that are to be used. The actual configuration of RevWorks for use with the device is very simple and is managed by the device Options tab of the RevWorks Options dialog and Probe Manager. When a 3DCreator digitizer is turned on it is automatically calibrated and a set coordinate system, relative to the camera sensor array, is automatically established. When RevWorks first attempts to communicate with a 3DCreator device, RevWorks automatically initializes the communications parameters to default values. You may need to select an alternate communications port if your 3DCreator device is not connected to the default serial communications port. You can also modify several default options to customize the behavior of your 3DCreator device.

First-Time Configuration of 3DCreator Hardware

Your 3DCreator digitizer comes from the factory already configured to utilize any probes, Dynamic Reference Frames (DRF), and auxiliary tools you purchased. Each probe and DRF has an associated tool configuration file. Tool configuration files have the extension .TOO. Probe tool files are named with the prefix letter P followed by the serial number of the specific tool. DRFs are similarly named with the prefix letter being D. If you purchased a foot switch, it does not have an associated tool file. Foot switches may be connected to any port on the 3DCreator interface controller without need for additional configuration. You can view an example probe tool file here, and an example DRF tool file here. The tool definition files supplied with your device are already installed within the permanent memory of the 3DCreator interface controller. You do not need to copy them to your computer to use the tools with RevWorks. The files are provided separately as a backup only.

Note: A matching tool configuration file must exist in the memory of the 3DCreator controller box for or DRF that you plan to use with RevWorks. If when attempting to use a specific probe or DRF you get the message that the tool is missing or invalid and you have confirmed that the serial number you are using is correct, you may need to load the tool definition file onto the 3DCreator controller box. For instruction on how to do this see Adding Tools to the 3DCreator Controller.

Warning: You must use the tool configuration file specific to the tool you are using. Tool files are not interchangeable. Do not adjust the contents of the tool file unless directed to do so by appropriate technical support personnel.

In addition to the tool configuration files, two other configuration files are provided that control the initialization of the 3DCreator interface controller and its serial communications object. 3DCreator.ini establishes default operational parameters for your 3DCreator device and identifies the specific tools you have purchased for use with your device. 3DCreator.cfg defines start-up and operational parameters for the 3DCreator interface controller. Versions of these files, specific to your purchase, are supplied with your 3DCreator device and must be copied, along with the supplied tool files, to your RevWorks installation directory.

Note: A 3DCreator INI and CFG file are required in order for RevWorks to work with your 3DCreator device. In the absence of files supplied by the manufactures of your device, the supplied example files should work, unmodified, but may not contain up-to-date configuration options no present at the time that this version of RevWorks was released.

To Configure RevWorks for a 3DCreator Digitizer

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Options… from the RevWorks menu.

The Options dialog appears.

  1. Select the Devices tab.

  2. From the Current Device drop-down list box, select 3DCreator.

The Options tab automatically reflects configuration options for the digitizer.

  1. In the Options tab, select the communications Port to which you connected the digitizer.

  2. In the Options tab, select a Baud Rate of 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200.

    Note: RevWorks maintains the communications options that you specify for your 3DCreator digitizer. If you select a baud rate different from the current setting, RevWorks updates the device to use the new baud rate.

  1. Change the default value for the Probe Approach Tolerance if you wish to change probe motion sensitivity.

    Note: The Probe Approach Tolerance sets a threshold, above which any movement of the probe tip registers as actual probe motion for the purpose to determining the offset direction for features measured with a ball probe.

  1. Select OK to accept the specified options.

Your 3DCreator serial digitizer is now ready to start.

Probe Approach Tolerance

RevWorks tracks probe movement to assist in determining the proper offset direction for features measured with a ball probe. The sensitivity for probe movement may be adjusted by changing the Probe Approach Tolerance. The Probe Approach Tolerance specifies how much the probe must move before that movement registers as probe motion for the sake of determining the offset direction. The default value of 2 millimeters should be adequate for most measurements. If you are measuring features, such as a bore with a ball probe that is nearly the size of the bore, you may want to reduce the Probe Approach Tolerance, if the probe cannot be moved at least the specified amount before the first point is taken. RevWorks may not be able to determine the correct offset direction unless you approach the first point of the feature by at least the distance specified by the Probe Approach Tolerance. If RevWorks seems to be randomly offsetting in the wrong direction, the value for Probe Approach Tolerance may be too small.

Note: RevWorks displays measurements in the same units as the currently active part or assembly document. You can enter values in any other supported unit of measure by adding the recognized abbreviation after the value you enter.

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