Using Leap Sets - Using Stations - Linking Stations to a Reference

Using Leap Sets - Using Stations - Linking Stations to a Reference

Linking Stations to a Reference


To move a digitizer between two Stations a common reference must be measured from both Stations. Any individual Station may be linked to one or more unique References. In order to move a digitizer between two Stations they both must be linked to a common Reference.

When you create a Leap Set, one Station and one Reference are created by default. If you create a new Station before adding any more references to the Leap Set, the new Station is automatically linked to the one existing Reference. Once you have added to the list of available References, Alignment Manager prompts you to select the Reference to link to any new Stations you create. If you later create a new Reference and want to link it to an existing Station you must make the link manually.

To Link a Station to a Reference

  1. Access Alignment Manager

  2. Right click on the Station for which you wish to add a Reference link, or
    right click on any Reference Link already associated with the Station

The alignment item options pop-up menu appears.

  1. Select Add Link.

A pop-up list of unused available References appears.

  1. Select the Reference you wish to link.

The Reference Link is added to the list of Reference Links for this Station.

    Note: If there are no unused References available the pop-up list displays None Available.

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