Using Alignment Documents - Activating and Deactivating the Current Alignment Item

Using Alignment Documents - Activating and Deactivating the Current Alignment Item

Activating and Deactivating the Current Alignment Item


Within the alignment document one alignment item is always selected for use. You can choose to activate the currently selected item at any time. When an alignment item is active, Alignment Manager uses the transformation data contained by the object to convert your device coordinates into the part coordinate system represented by the object. Deactivation of the alignment item causes future data to be collected in device coordinates.

To Activate or Deactivate the Current Alignment Item

  1. Right click on on the RevWorks toolbar, or
    Access Alignment Manager, and

  2. Right click on at the top of the alignment document tree.

The alignment document options pop-up menu appears.

  1. Select Activate.

The currently selected item is toggled between active and inactive.

    Note: If the current alignment item has not been previously measured and you choose to activate it you are required to measure it before continuing.

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