Using Alignment Documents - Creating a New Alignment Document

Using Alignment Documents - Creating a New Alignment Document

Creating a New Alignment Document


You can create and maintain multiple alignment documents, though only one document can be active at a time. When created, alignment documents contain one each of the three types of Datum objects by default. You can choose to add to, delete or modify these alignment objects to meet your alignment needs.

To Create a New Alignment Document

  1. Access Alignment Manager

  2. Right click on  at the top of the alignment document tree.

The alignment document options pop-up menu appears.

  1. Select New.

The new alignment item pop-up menu appears.

  1. Select New File.

A new alignment document is created, replacing the existing document.

    Note: If the existing document has been modified you are asked if you are given the option to save the changes or cancel before the new document is created.

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