Feature Preferences - Setting Continuous Data Collection Mode

Feature Preferences - Setting Continuous Data Collection Mode

Setting Continuous Data Collection Mode


If you have a lot of data to collect and many of the same features to create, you can set continuous data collection. This allows you to sequentially digitize any number of features of the same type in succession and on the fly. Without interacting with the keyboard or mouse, you can create a number of features without having to interact with the RevWorks toolbar or menu..

Warning: You must have an active limit set for the number of points for the feature type you wish to collect to get the full benefit of continuous data collection mode. Otherwise RevWorks cannot determine when to automatically create the feature and continue data collection. Be sure that the Unlimited option is not set.

While collecting data, you can stop the digitizing process at any time by selecting from the RevWorks toolbar, or selecting Cancel from the RevWorks menu, or pressing the Esc key. Some digitizers also have a third button which can be used to cancel data collection.

At any time, you can enable or disable continuous data collection mode by performing the following procedures.

To Set Continuous Data Collection Mode

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Options… from the RevWorks menu.

The Options dialog appears.

  1. In the Features tab, select Features in the Property Tree to review the common collection settings for all feature types.

  2. Select the feature type you wish to adjust from the Property Tree to access its property options.

  3. Select the Continuous checkbox for the feature to enable or disable the continuous collection of the selected feature type.

  4. If you are enabling continuous data collection mode, proceed with Limiting the Number of Points for Features.

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