Feature Preferences - Limiting the Number of Points for Features

Feature Preferences - Limiting the Number of Points for Features

Limiting the Number of Points for Features


By limiting the number of points for features, you set RevWorks to automatically calculate and create a feature upon collecting the number of points required for the feature. Limiting the number of points for features is only applicable when collecting data in single point mode. If you are collecting data in scan point mode, this procedure does not apply.

For each feature, you must program the number of points required for RevWorks to automatically create the feature. You cannot set limits that are less than the minimum point requirements for a feature. For example, you must have at least two points to create a line. Limiting the number of points for each feature only automates part of the data collection process.

During data collection, you can enter a lesser number of points for features than the limit number that you set. In such case, enter the number of points you want for the feature, and press the appropriate digitizer completion button, or select from the RevWorks toolbar, or press the Return Key to create the feature. RevWorks averages the data you collected to calculate and create the best-fit feature.

To Limit the Number of Points for a Feature

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Options… from the RevWorks menu.

The Options dialog appears.

  1. In the Features tab, select Features in the Property Tree to review the common collection settings for all feature types.

  2. Select the feature type you wish to adjust from the Property Tree to access its property options.

  3. Type the Maximum Points for the feature to set its upper data collection limit,
    or use the up and down arrow buttons to select a value.

    Note: If you want to set an unlimited number of points for a feature, select the Unlimited checkbox.

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