Feature Preferences - Setting Unlimited Data Collection Mode

Feature Preferences - Setting Unlimited Data Collection Mode

Setting Unlimited Data Collection Mode


If you wish to collect the same feature type using a variety of point samples, you have the option of turning off data collection limits. This option allows you to collect any number of points above the required minimum for the feature without triggering automatic feature generation. The trade-off is that you must trigger the generation of the feature yourself by pressing the appropriate digitizer button, the Return Key or by selecting on the RevWorks toolbar.

Note: When you select Unlimited point maximums, the previous specified point maximum is retained for future use.

To Set Unlimited Data Collection Mode

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Options… from the RevWorks menu.

The Options dialog appears.

  1. In the Features tab, select Features in the Property Tree to review the common collection settings for all feature types.

  2. Select the feature type you wish to adjust from the Property Tree to access its property options.

  3. Select the Unlimited checkbox for the feature to turn off use of the specified point limit.

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