Scan Mode Preferences - Setting the Snap Scan Plane Tolerance

Scan Mode Preferences - Setting the Snap Scan Plane Tolerance

Setting the Snap Scan Plane Tolerance


Plane tolerance is the maximum distance that the digitizer probe can be from the sketch plane in order for RevWorks to collect data from the scanning data stream. Plane tolerance only applies if you are collecting data in scan point mode. If you are collecting data in single point mode, this procedure does not apply to you.

Snap scanning allows you to collect data along any part cross section by selecting a plane or existing sketch that sections the part where you wish to collect features.

In order to establish a plane tolerance, you must enter a value that specifies the width of a data collection band on both sides of the plane through which the probe must pass for data to be collected. For example, if you specify one millimeter, the actual data collection band is 2 millimeters wide. When a point within the data stream falls within the specified bandwidth, it is collected and added to the collection of points that is used to generate feature geometry.

To Set the Plane Tolerance

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Options… from the RevWorks menu.

The Options dialog appears.

  1. In the Scanning tab, within the Snap Data Collection group, enter a Plane Tolerance value.

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