Help - Topics Help

Help - Topics Help

Topics Help


All RevWorks help topics may be accessed and reviewed within the on-line help document. You can navigate through all topics sequentially, jump to specific topics using the comprehensive table of contents and index, or search on key words. There are four methods available for displaying the RevWorks help document.

To Display RevWorks Help Topics

  • From the RevWorks toolbar, select . If  is displayed, right-click on the icon and choose RevWorks Help Topics from the pop-up menu displayed, or

  • From the RevWorks menu in SOLIDWORKS, select Help > RevWorks Help Topics, or

  • From the SOLIDWORKS Help menu, select RevWorks Help Topics, or

  • You can view the help file without starting RevWorks by directly opening the file RevTools.chm, located in the RevWorks installation directory.

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