About Parametric Surfaces

About Parametric Surfaces

About Parametric Surfaces


In addition to the direct creation of reference surfaces from collected point data, the RevWorks DirectSurf module provides the option of creating parametric surfaces. DirectSurf achieves this by automatically sectioning and re-lofting the direct surface to create a parametric SOLIDWORKS surface body. Individual sections are calculated by RevWorks and the resulting cross-section profiles are placed into individual sketches. A SOLIDWORKS lofted surface body is created from the ordered set of sketches. The resulting surface body may be edited using any of the standard SOLIDWORKS methods.

  1. Creating Parametric Surfaces
  1. Enabling Parametric Surface Generation
  1. Setting the Number of Profiles for Parametric Surface Generation
  1. Adding Cross Curves to Parametric Surface Generation
  1. Modifying Parametric Surfaces