Creating Lines - Creating a 3D Line Using a Set of Points

Creating Lines - Creating a 3D Line Using a Set of Points

Creating a 3D Line Using a Set of Points


RevWorks creates 3D lines from a set of two digitized points. This type of line may be referred to as a non-planer line. 3D lines are created in true 3D space in a SOLIDWORKS 3D sketch, not projected to a 2D sketch plane.

Note: RevWorks does not compensate 3D geometry or 3D points even if probe compensation is activated.

To Create a 3D Line Using Points

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or from the RevWorks toolbar right click on any displayed Line icon and choose 3D Line > Points,
    or select
    Line > 3D Line > Points from the RevWorks menu in SOLIDWORKS.

RevWorks prompts you to begin digitizing points.

  1. Digitize two points to generate a 3D line.

    Note: RevWorks automatically creates the 3D line feature when you digitize the second point.

  1. RevWorks generates a 3D line from the collected data and draws it in the active SOLIDWORKS 3D sketch.

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