About Feature Creation Mode - Creating Construction Features

About Feature Creation Mode - Creating Construction Features

Creating Construction Features


Construction features are used to indirectly create components of your SOLIDWORKS model. For example, a line element that is used as an axis for revolving another sketch to create a component of your part is a Construction feature. Not all features that you can create with RevWorks can be Construction features in SOLIDWORKS. Specifically, the following objects cannot be created as Construction features:

  • Points

  • 3D Curves

  • Planes

  • Surfaces

To Create Construction Features

From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
or select
Feature > Type > Construction from the RevWorks menu in SOLIDWORKS.

The feature mode button changes to to indicate that RevWorks is ready to construct Construction features.

Note: If is displayed on the RevWorks toolbar then the mode is already set to construct Construction features.

Note: Not all features support creation in Construction mode, such as point features. When creating such features with Construction mode set, the features are created as Active features.

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