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Creating Lines - Creating a Sketch Line Using Two Planes
Creating a Sketch Line Using Two Planes RevWorks constructs a plane-derived line by calculating the intersection of two individually digitized planes. The two planes used must not be parallel. The resulting line feature is projected to the active ...
Creating Lines - Creating a Sketch Line Using a Set of Points
Creating a Sketch Line Using a Set of Points RevWorks creates 2D sketch lines from a set of two or more digitized points. If you collect more than two points, RevWorks applies an averaging algorithm to calculate the best line through the data. To ...
Creating Lines - Creating a 3D Line Using Two Planes
Creating a 3D Line Using Two Planes RevWorks creates a plane-derived 3D line by calculating the intersection of two digitized planes. The two planes must not be parallel. The calculated planes are not added to the document. To Create A 3D Line ...
Creating Lines - Creating a 3D Line Using a Set of Points
Creating a 3D Line Using a Set of Points RevWorks creates 3D lines from a set of two digitized points. This type of line may be referred to as a non-planer line. 3D lines are created in true 3D space in a SOLIDWORKS 3D sketch, not projected to a 2D ...
Creating Points - Creating a Sketch Point at the Intersection of Two Lines
Creating a Sketch Point at the Intersection of Two Lines RevWorks creates a line-derived point by calculating the intersection of two digitized lines. The points collected for the lines are projected to the active sketch plane before each line is ...