Collecting Data for Measurements

Collecting Data for Measurements

Collecting Data for Measurements


RevWorks creates measurements from digitized point data that you collect. RevWorks uses the data that you collect for measurements to calculate relationships relative to the current sketch plane, for most measurement types. Some specific measurement options determine true 3D relationships.

To Collect Data for a Measurement

  1. Open a part file, if applicable.

  2. Select a SOLIDWORKS plane, sketch, or planar part surface that defines the plane in which you plan to collect measurements, if applicable.

If you select a plane or planar part surface, RevWorks creates a new sketch plane. If you select a sketch, RevWorks uses the sketch you choose.

    Note: If you are measuring against a 2D sketch, such as Depth and you do not select a plane, sketch, or planar part surface, RevWorks displays a message informing you to select one before continuing.

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar or menu in SOLIDWORKS, select the type of measurement for which you want to collect data.

RevWorks prompts you to begin collecting data.

  1. Pressing the spacebar on your keyboard or the primary button on your digitizer or auxiliary switch, digitize the minimum number of points required to create the measurement.

RevWorks provides audio feedback for every point that you digitize. Points taken while collecting data for measurements in RevWorks are not displayed.

    Note: You can customize sounds for many events, such as: collecting data, completing feature calculation, and deleting data. For more information, see Managing RevWorks Sounds.

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