Calculating Data

Calculating Data

Calculating Data

 RevWorks automatically calculates features when you collect the maximum number of points for the feature you want to create unless you have specified the Unlimited collection option. At any time after you collect the minimum number of points for a feature, you can manually activate RevWorks to calculate the feature. If the feature is Unlimited, you must manually activate RevWorks to calculate the feature. 

Note: You cannot manually calculate a feature if the maximum and minimum numbers of points for a feature are the same value. In this case, RevWorks automatically calculates the feature once you collect the minimum number of points.

To Calculate Data

  1. Using the Spacebar on your keyboard, or the primary button on your digitizer or auxiliary switch, digitize the minimum number of points for the feature you want to calculate.

  2. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Feature > Action > Calculate from the RevWorks menu in SOLIDWORKS,
    or if the RevWorks toolbar window has the current system focus, press the
    Enter key,
    or for digitizing devices that have two or more triggers, press the second trigger to calculate the feature.

RevWorks creates a feature from the data collected and calculated, provides audio feedback once the feature is created, and the feature displays within the current SOLIDWORKS sketch.

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