Scanning Sketch Features in Scan Point Mode

Scanning Sketch Features in Scan Point Mode

Scanning Sketch Features in Scan Point Mode


Scan point mode enables capture of point data within a limited distance of the active 2D sketch plane. This is also called snap scanning. It may help to think of the active sketch as a sectional plane. When operating in 2D scan point mode, data is constantly streaming from the digitizer, but points are collected only when the probe tip is within a user-specified distance of the active sketch plane or crosses it. This assures that the points that you digitize for a 2D sketch in scan point mode are always within a specified distance of the active sketch plane. You can define the limited distance, called Plane Tolerance, to be any value, but the value is usually very small. Collected data is projected to the active sketch plane. Once completed, the feature created is also placed on the active sketch plane that defines the scanning section.

To Collect Sketch Features in Scan Point Mode

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select Collection Mode > Snap Scan on the RevWorks menu in SOLIDWORKS.

The data collection mode button changes to , the collection mode indicator on the toolbar changes to , and the word SCAN appears in the toolbar title to indicate that RevWorks is ready to collect data in scan point mode.

  1. Right mouse-click .

The scan point mode option menu appears.

  1. Select the Scan Options menu option.

The Scan Options dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter the desired values for Plane Tolerance .

    Note: Even if selected, the 3D scan options are not applied when scanning 2D features.

  1. Select OK to accept the specified options.

    Note: If the button is displayed on the toolbar, scan point mode is already selected.

    Note: You can also access Scan Options within the RevWorks Options dialog.

    Note: Minimum Point Separation only affects the generation of splines and curves. This value limits how close points may be to each other when generating the spline feature. Points that fall closer together are discarded before the spline is created. This helps to prevent the creation of ‘spaghetti’ splines.

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