About Collecting Data

About Collecting Data

About Collecting Data


RevWorks provides a variety of methods for collecting data that are designed to give you great control and flexibility over the digitizing and model creation processes. Some tools are intended for capturing edge geometry, even when you cannot reliably access the edge being profiled. The sketch plane collection tools achieve this by projecting to the active sketch plane any data you to collect, even if it is off of the surface. By setting the working sketch on a part face you can easily collect profile geometry where features intersect the plane. Using the RevWorks scan point mode of data collection, you can accurately sample data along a part section where no visible edge exists. This method is well suited for creating section profiles to be used in lofting surfaces or to generate reference geometry that can be compared to the part model to assess dimensional correctness at a critical location. RevWorks also provides methods for creating standard SOLIDWORKS 3D features and planes.

In addition to collecting data with external digitizing devices you can also select point data already existing in your model using the MousePoints interface. MousePoints allows you to use the mouse cursor to select existing model point data and incorporate it into a feature you are collecting with your digitizer or to create best-fit features entirely from model data. In fact, there is an option to turn off digitizing devices and work with MousePoints alone.

DirectSurf technology allows you to directly create smooth surface patches from a random set of points. The base reference surfaces may be used in SOLIDWORKS in any way that an internally generated surface can. Taking it one step further, DirectSurf provides the option to automatically generate a readily editable parametric surface.

To collect data in RevWorks you must first have a properly initialized digitizing device connected to your computer or choose to use MousePoints alone. For more information on how to set up and start your digitizing device, see About Digitizers.

In order to use data that you collect, you must be able to perform the following procedures:

  1. Collecting Data in Single Point Mode
  1. Collecting Data in Scan Point Mode
  1. Collecting Data with MousePoints
  1. Collecting Object Data
  1. Calculating Data
  1. Suspending Data Collection
  1. Deleting Data

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