Feature Preferences - Setting Minimum Spline Node Separation for Sketch Splines

Feature Preferences - Setting Minimum Spline Node Separation for Sketch Splines

Setting Minimum Spline Node Separation for Sketch Splines


This procedure only applies if you are collecting data in scan point mode. If you are collecting data in single point mode, this procedure does not apply to you.

If you plan to work with sketch splines, you can set a minimum point separation distance for points used to make a spline. The minimum separation distance is only applicable when creating the spline, not when collecting data.

By setting a minimum point separation distance for sketch splines, you can ensure that splines created from data collected in scan point mode are not generated with nodes that are too close together. Small values for minimum point separations may result in splines that look like a plate of spaghetti, if they can be created at all.

Note: SOLIDWORKS does not allow the creation of splines that are self intersecting

At any time, you can change the minimum point separation for sketch splines by performing the following procedures.

Note: RevWorks displays measurements in the same units as the currently active part or assembly document. You can enter values in any other supported unit of measure by adding the recognized abbreviation after the value you enter.

To Set Point Separation for Sketch Splines

  1. From the RevWorks toolbar, select ,
    or select
    Options… from the RevWorks menu.

The Options dialog appears.

  1. In the Features tab, select the Spline feature type from the Property Tree to access its property options.

  2. Enter a value for Min. Spline Node Separation.

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