Adding a Format String

Adding a Format String

Adding a Format String

This feature allows users to add custom format strings for applications not currently listed in the Format Strings tab.

How to add a Format String: If you do not see the name of your application listed in the Select Format window you will need to add a custom format string. The steps below guide you through this process.

If you are unsure of what type of format string you need, consult the Writing Custom Format Strings section of this guide.

  1. Click on the Format Strings icon .

  2. Click the Add… button.

  3. Enter a name for the new Format String in the corresponding text field.

  4. The Copy from drop down list allows you to base the new format string on an existing one. You may select a Format String from the list by clicking on the downward arrow. Selecting the <blank Format String> option will not base the new Format String on an existing one.
  5. Click OK.

  6. The newly named format string will appear in the Select Format list.

  7. Changes to the Format String can be made by clicking in the Format String text box and typing.

  8. By indicating a Window Name, MUS will only send data to a window whose name contains that string (example: typing "pad" would allow data to be sent to Notepad or WordPad, but not to an Excel window). This acts as a filtering mechanism for MUS that ensures data will only be sent to the proper window. The window name may be added by clicking and typing in the corresponding text box. It may also be left blank. If you are unsure of what window name to enter, it is suggested you leave it blank.

  9. After you have typed in the Format String, click OK. MUS will verify that you would like to save the changes you have made.

  10. Click Yes to save the changes or No to cancel them.
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