About the MicroScribe Configuration Feature

About the MicroScribe Configuration Feature

About MicroScribe Configuration

This feature allows users to configure general settings for the MicroScribe device that is activated through MUS.

Click on the MicroScribe Configuration icon to view the feature options . The MicroScribe Configuration tab will appear.

The following settings can be adjusted in this tab:

  • Units: Metric (mm) or Standard (inches). Whether the MicroScribe is currently using metric or standard English units. Please Note: If you change between Metric and Standard modes, you must redefine all of your position-dependent preferences (Reference Frame, Scan Planes, and Auto Scan).

  • Scale: Use scaling factor. The scaling factor used. The default is 1.0, which will digitize the geometry in real size. A value less than 1.0 will make the geometry smaller. A value greater than 1.0 will make the geometry larger.

  • Display: Use comma as decimal. Designed for some versions of Windows adapted for languages other than English. When checked, this feature uses a comma as the decimal fraction instead of a dot or period.

  • Display: On Top. Toggle the display of the MUS toolbar on top of other windows.

  • Trigger Button: Button 1 or Button 2. Select which button or pedal is used to trigger data collection. Button 1 corresponds to the finger button on the hand switch and the right pedal on the foot switch. Button 2 corresponds to the thumb button on the hand switch and the left pedal on the foot switch.

  • Sound: Beep on plot. When this option is checked, MUS plays the default system beep sound each time a point is digitized. The sound played depends on your specific user configuration, and can be changed by updating your user preferences or directly editing the sound associated with Default Beep using the Sounds applet of the Control Panel.

  • Joint Data: This allows setup of the output of joint encoder counts for testing the MicroScribe device.

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